Hati - hati buat para ibu yang sering membeli bumbu masakan yang harganya murah, packing seadanya dan terceceran orang jualan di pinggir jalan dan pasar. Ini pengalaman yang kami dapatkan selama investigasi lapangan. Akan kami uraikan satu per satu dari bahan tersebut :
"Be careful for mother or house wife who often buy cheap price of cooking season, simple packing and many sold in the side road and local market. This is my experience which we gained during field investigation. We will describe one by one from that material :"
"Be careful for mother or house wife who often buy cheap price of cooking season, simple packing and many sold in the side road and local market. This is my experience which we gained during field investigation. We will describe one by one from that material :"
- Saus Tomat / Tomato Sauce
Tahukah anda bahwa saus tomat yang banyak dijual di tengah masyarakat yang dikemas hanya dengan plastik, botol kaca tanpa label adalah produk indutri rumah tangga yang kebanyakan tidak berijin. Fakta yang kami dapatkan di lapangan bahwa mereka menggunakan bahan baku seadanya untuk membuat pasta seperti ketela, cabai, pepaya (kebanyakan bahan ini busuk, namun ada yang bagus supaya kualitas tidak terlalu jelek). Kalau dilihat sepintas sudah cukupkah bahan tersebut untuk membuat saos, jawabannya tentu tidak, tomat tidak ada dalam proses tersebut melainkan diganti oleh perasa tomat (essence). Bahan baku semuanya digiling dalam wajan panas dan menyatulah semua bahan tersebut, setelah agak lama campuran tersebut keliatan merah kehitam - hitaman karena bahan baku kualitas rendah, namun jika bahan berkualitas bagus warna akan keliatan cerah seperti orange. Untuk membuat warna seolah - olah berbahan tomat, mereka tidak bodoh, mereka menggunakan pewarna textile, Hydrogen Peroxyde, Tawas dll. Tentu bahan ini berbahaya kan karena mereka tidak memikirkan dampak terhadap konsumen dan mereka sendiri juga tidak akan mau memakannya. Selain bahan berbahaya tersebut, mereka juga memakai bahan pengawet agar terhindar dari pembusukan, mereka memakai Natrium Benzoat, Formalin dll dengan takaran yang ngawur.
"Did you know that tomato sauce many sold in a society and packed only with plastic, glass bottle without label is product from home industry and many not permitted. The fact which we gained in the field that they use patch up raw material to make paste such as cassava, chili, papaya (many material is spoiled but there is good material so quality is no too bad). If looked glance already enough that material to make sauce, answer is not, tomato there is not in process and changed by tomato essence. All raw material is mixed in the hot pan and fuse all material, after long time, compound look black because raw material is low quality but if material has good quality will bright color like orange. To make color like tomato material, they not stupid, they use textile dyes, Hydrogen Peroxyde, Tawas etc. Absolute this material is hazardous because they not think effect for consumer and themselves also will not want to eat that product. Except that hazardous material, they also use preservative material to prevent from contamination, they use Natrium Benzoat, Formalin etc with unmeasure dose."
"Did you know that tomato sauce many sold in a society and packed only with plastic, glass bottle without label is product from home industry and many not permitted. The fact which we gained in the field that they use patch up raw material to make paste such as cassava, chili, papaya (many material is spoiled but there is good material so quality is no too bad). If looked glance already enough that material to make sauce, answer is not, tomato there is not in process and changed by tomato essence. All raw material is mixed in the hot pan and fuse all material, after long time, compound look black because raw material is low quality but if material has good quality will bright color like orange. To make color like tomato material, they not stupid, they use textile dyes, Hydrogen Peroxyde, Tawas etc. Absolute this material is hazardous because they not think effect for consumer and themselves also will not want to eat that product. Except that hazardous material, they also use preservative material to prevent from contamination, they use Natrium Benzoat, Formalin etc with unmeasure dose."
BACA JUGA : Pemutihan dan Pengawetan Sambal Cabe
- Kecap / Ketchup
Jika masyarakat membeli kecap tanpa label dari pabrik ternama berhati - hatilah, karena proses pembuatan kecap industri rumah tangga banyak yang melanggar aturan. Kebanyakan untuk kecap yang perlu diwaspadai adalah pemakaian gula merah. Sudah banyak orang tahu bahwa pengolahan gula merah dari mulai nira di deres sampai dimasak menggunakan bahan - bahan berbahaya atau bahan yang selayaknya tidak dipakai. Dari pengalaman yang kami dapatkan bahwa untuk mencegah fermentasi nira deresan, petani gula sering menambahkan air kapur, sabun mandi atau sabun colek. Menurut ilmu kimia memang benar bahan tersebut bersifat basa yang bisa menetralkan pH nira deresan sehingga nira tetap berkualitas bagus, namun apakah tidak ada dampak dari penggunaan bahan tersebut, silakan dipikirkan matang - matang. Setelah proses fermentasi gula + kedelai selesai, sering ditambahkan pengawet berbahaya yang sudah sering disebutkan seperti diatas.
"Be careful if people buy ketchup without labels from familiar factory, due to manufacturing process soy sauce home industry scale, many against the rules.The most for soy sauce need be watchfull is red palm sugar. Already the most people that process of palm sugar from nira until cooking process use dangerous ingredient or offspect ingredient. From our experience, we get to prevent fermentation of nira, palm sugar farmer often add lime water, body soap or laundry soap. For chemical, that ingredient has characteristic alkaline pH can neutralize pH of nira so that nira still has good quality, but if there is no impact from using that ingredient, please mature think. After process of sugar fermentation + soya finish, often added dangerous preservative which often mentioned like above."
"Be careful if people buy ketchup without labels from familiar factory, due to manufacturing process soy sauce home industry scale, many against the rules.The most for soy sauce need be watchfull is red palm sugar. Already the most people that process of palm sugar from nira until cooking process use dangerous ingredient or offspect ingredient. From our experience, we get to prevent fermentation of nira, palm sugar farmer often add lime water, body soap or laundry soap. For chemical, that ingredient has characteristic alkaline pH can neutralize pH of nira so that nira still has good quality, but if there is no impact from using that ingredient, please mature think. After process of sugar fermentation + soya finish, often added dangerous preservative which often mentioned like above."
Sumber Gambar : http://www.shudaiajlani.com |
- Sambal Cabe / Chili Condiment
Sambal yang dijual bebas di pasaran yang kita temui banyak mengandung kimia berbahaya baik untuk pencerah warna dan pengawetnya. Kebanyakan bahan baku yang mereka pakai adalah busuk dicampur yang segar sehingga hasilnya sedikit lebih bagus dan untuk memperbaiki kualitas dan rasa mereka banyak memakai zat kimia berbahaya. Jangan heran kalau anda menemui sambal sampai berumur tahunan, karena sistem pengawetnya adalah merasuk ke pori - pori bahan sehingga tidak akan lepas sampai terkonsumsipun juga tidak akan bisa dicerna tubuh.
"Condiment which we sold freely in the market, many containing harmful chemical such as bleaching and preservative. The most raw material which they use is rotten mixed fresh so that the result better and to improve quality and taste, they use harmful chemical. Don't be surprised if you met condiment until annual age, due to preservative system is entering into pores of material so that not decomposition until consumted and will not able to be digested the body."
"Condiment which we sold freely in the market, many containing harmful chemical such as bleaching and preservative. The most raw material which they use is rotten mixed fresh so that the result better and to improve quality and taste, they use harmful chemical. Don't be surprised if you met condiment until annual age, due to preservative system is entering into pores of material so that not decomposition until consumted and will not able to be digested the body."
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Sumber Gambar : resepmasakanindonesia.info |
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Sumber Gambar : life.viva.co.id |
- Sambal Petis / Petis Condiment
Pengalaman yang kami dapatkan dari investigasi pembuatan petis industri rumah tangga di daerah JATIM, kami mendapatkan banyak fakta mulai bahan baku, bahan pendukung yang patut dipertanyakan. Disana kami melihat sendiri bahan baku seperti gula, udang + ikan powder yang kualitasnya sangat diragukan (biasanya mereka menggunakan cangkang udang + kepala ikan, jadi bukan dagingnya yang di blender melainkan sampah - sampah dari sisa pengolahan), tidak ada uji kualitas dan langsung diolah menggunakan wajan yang kotor dan tempat seadanya. Disisi lain penggunaan pengawet yang bisa dibilang sangat berbahaya yakni mereka menggunakan Natrium Benzoat + Potassium yang dikombinasikan, pembaca sekalian sudah tentu tahu kan bahaya dari zat kimia tersebut, yang selayaknya untuk racun hama digunakan untuk makanan. Selain itu mereka juga menggunakan kimia berbahaya untuk anti jamurnya. Jadi buat para pembaca sekalian, sebarkan informasi berharga ini kepada semua orang untuk hati - hati dalam memilih bahan konsumsi.
"Our experience which we g0t from investigation petis manufacturing in East Java, we started get several fact from raw material, support material which both still questionable. There we see raw material likes sugar, shrimp + fish powder which doubtful quality (usually they use shrimp shell + fish head, so not meat blended but waste of processing residue), there is not try quality and direct processed using dirt pan and any place. On the other hand, using preservative can be known very harmful because they use combinated Natrium Benzoat + Potassium, reader of this blog already know harmful of that chemical, the material for pesticide used for additive food. Beside that, they also use harmful chemical for anti mold. So for reader, share this valuable information to all people to be careful choose consumted ingredients."
"Our experience which we g0t from investigation petis manufacturing in East Java, we started get several fact from raw material, support material which both still questionable. There we see raw material likes sugar, shrimp + fish powder which doubtful quality (usually they use shrimp shell + fish head, so not meat blended but waste of processing residue), there is not try quality and direct processed using dirt pan and any place. On the other hand, using preservative can be known very harmful because they use combinated Natrium Benzoat + Potassium, reader of this blog already know harmful of that chemical, the material for pesticide used for additive food. Beside that, they also use harmful chemical for anti mold. So for reader, share this valuable information to all people to be careful choose consumted ingredients."
BACA JUGA : Pemutihan dan Pengawet Sambal Petis
- Ikan Laut dari Nelayan / Marine Fish from Fisherman
Pengalaman ini kami dapatkan dari Lamongan bahwa suatu ketika kami membeli sampel ikan masih segar dari nelayan yang baru saja kembali dari laut, sampel kita uji ternyata mengandung formalin melebihi ambang batas kemudian ikan kami ujikan kepada kucing dan ternyata kucing tidak mau makan. Selidik demi selidik ternyata nelayan sudah membawa formalin itu mulai mau berangkat ke laut, jadi di tengah laut saat mendapat ikan langsung dilumuri dengan formalin dan disimpan dalam es. Jadi hati - hati dalam memilih ikan karena jika anda tidak teliti didalamnya terkandung bahan berbahaya bagi tubuh.
"This experience, we got from Lamongan that while we buy fresh fish sample from fisher which recently return from sea, we test sample and found contain formaldehyde exceed threshold then fish our test to the cat and cat will not eat it. Known that fisher have brought formaldehyde to the sea, so in the middle of the sea while the fish get directly contacted with formaldehude and stored in ice. So be careful selecting fish because if you not accurate containing harmful ingredients to the body."
"This experience, we got from Lamongan that while we buy fresh fish sample from fisher which recently return from sea, we test sample and found contain formaldehyde exceed threshold then fish our test to the cat and cat will not eat it. Known that fisher have brought formaldehyde to the sea, so in the middle of the sea while the fish get directly contacted with formaldehude and stored in ice. So be careful selecting fish because if you not accurate containing harmful ingredients to the body."
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Sumber Gambar : www.antarafoto.com |
- Minyak Goreng / Palm Oil
Dari uji lab kami pemurnian minyak jelantah untuk dijadikan minyak goreng seperti aslinya memang bisa dan formula yang kita pakai memang untuk makanan, namun tidak akan kami share disini karena kami takut ada oknum tidak bertanggung jawab menjadikan ini sebagai bisnis utamanya. Dalam rantai molekul minyak goreng tersusun dari rantai - rantai dan saat terkena pemanasan maka terjadilah pemutusan rantai - rantai ini sehingga minyak menjadi lebih keruh dibanding awal. Penampakan memang bisa dirubah namun yang namanya rantai kimia kalau sudah rusak oleh panas tidak akan kembali ke bentuk semula sehingga jika ini tetap dikonsumsi tubuh bisa menyebabkan kanker karena rantai yang rusak tidak bisa diolah oleh tubuh. Banyak oknum tak bertanggung jawab menjernihkan jelantah menggunakan kimia berbahaya seperti pembersih porselen, pembersih air keruh atau pemutih textile untuk mendapatkan jelantah agar terlihat seperti aslinya yaitu kuning jernih. Jadi jangan membeli minyak goreng eceran karena didalamnya bisa terdapat bahan - bahan berbahaya seperti diatas.
"From our test laboratorium, purification of used palm oil like original formula actually can be made and our formula actually food grade but we will not share here because we afraid person related irresponsible using this formula as their main business. In the chain molecule of palm oil arranged from chains and when heating happen cracking this chains so that oil become darker than ago. Looking can be changed but name of chemical chain if have broken by heat will not return initial so that if this still consumed by body can reason cancer because break chain can't be processed by body. Many related person irresponsible bleaching used palm oil using harmful chemical such as porcelain cleaner, dirt water cleaner or textile bleaching to get used palm oil like originally bright yellow. So don't buy retail palm oil due to can contain harmful chemical like above."
"From our test laboratorium, purification of used palm oil like original formula actually can be made and our formula actually food grade but we will not share here because we afraid person related irresponsible using this formula as their main business. In the chain molecule of palm oil arranged from chains and when heating happen cracking this chains so that oil become darker than ago. Looking can be changed but name of chemical chain if have broken by heat will not return initial so that if this still consumed by body can reason cancer because break chain can't be processed by body. Many related person irresponsible bleaching used palm oil using harmful chemical such as porcelain cleaner, dirt water cleaner or textile bleaching to get used palm oil like originally bright yellow. So don't buy retail palm oil due to can contain harmful chemical like above."
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Sumber Gambar : kemasaneceran.com |
- Gula Merah / Palm Sugar
Selama kami investigasi dari daerah ke daerah kami masih menemui tradisi yang turun temurun dari nenek moyang orang terdahulu bahwa penggunaan kulit batang nangka dan kulit manggis bisa mencegah nira berfermentasi. Tradisi inilah yang sampai sekarang masih turun tenurun namun seiring bahan tersebut mulai langka untuk didapatkan, petani gula menggunakan air kapur, sabun mandi dan sabun colek untuk mencegah nira berfermentasi saat di deres. Petani tidak tahu dampak untuk kesehatan jika mengkonsumsi gula yang telah tercampur bahan tersebut, oleh karena itu kami datang memberikan pengetahuan dan membuka pikiran para petani untuk meninggalkan bahan berbahaya tersebut dan diminta untuk mengganti dengan Sodium Metabisulphite yang food grade. Didalam pengolahan nira menjadi gula, petani biasanya mendapatkan gula mereka warnanya hitam jelek namun mereka tidak bingung akal yaitu menggunakan air kapur, Hydrogen Peroxide untuk memutihkan. Kamipun menyadarkan mereka untuk memakai Sodium Metabisulphite karena selain untuk mencegah fermentasi juga bisa untuk mencerahkan warna gula. Untuk mendomplang ukuran gula dilihat dari sisi tampak bukan berat mereka menambahkan soda kue agar saat nira diolah dan dicetak mengembang, makanya kita sering mengetahui ditengah - tengah gula keliatan pecah, merekah karena pengembangan dari soda kue yang mengeluarkan gas karbondioksida.
"During our investigation from area in line to other, we still see tradition from generation to generation from that using peel of jackfruit stem and mangosteen peel can prevent fermentation nira. This tradition until now still hold but due to that material rare to get, farmer of palm sugar using lime water, body soap and laundry soap to prevent fermentation nira. The farmer not know effect for healthy if consume palm sugar which have mixed that material, therefore we come to give knowledge and open mind for farmers to leave harmful material and to substitute with sodium metabisulphite food grade. In processing nira become palm sugar, the farmer usually get their palm sugar bad color but they not confuse because they use lime water, hydrogen peroxide for bleaching agent. Our team aware them to use sodium metabisulphite because beside to prevent fermentation also able to bleach palm sugar color. To increase size palm sugar known from look side no weight, they add sodium bicarbonate so when nira processed and pressed will expand, so we often know in midlle palm sugar break or hole because expansion of sodium bicarbonate and release carbondioxide."
"During our investigation from area in line to other, we still see tradition from generation to generation from that using peel of jackfruit stem and mangosteen peel can prevent fermentation nira. This tradition until now still hold but due to that material rare to get, farmer of palm sugar using lime water, body soap and laundry soap to prevent fermentation nira. The farmer not know effect for healthy if consume palm sugar which have mixed that material, therefore we come to give knowledge and open mind for farmers to leave harmful material and to substitute with sodium metabisulphite food grade. In processing nira become palm sugar, the farmer usually get their palm sugar bad color but they not confuse because they use lime water, hydrogen peroxide for bleaching agent. Our team aware them to use sodium metabisulphite because beside to prevent fermentation also able to bleach palm sugar color. To increase size palm sugar known from look side no weight, they add sodium bicarbonate so when nira processed and pressed will expand, so we often know in midlle palm sugar break or hole because expansion of sodium bicarbonate and release carbondioxide."
- Tepung (Terigu, Tapioka, Gandum, Sagu dll) / Flour (Wheat, Tapioca, Sago)
Dari hasil jalan - jalan kita ke pabrik tepung, kami menemui banyak pengalaman berharga yaitu tepung yang keliatan sangat putih bisa dipastikan saat pengolahan menggunakan hidrogen peroxide, Tawas, Kaporit atau pewarna textile. Untuk industri rumah tangga kebanyakan mereka tidak mengenal kualitas dan yang mereka pikirkan hanya untung saja dengan biaya produksi yang minim. Jika tepung keliatan putih mereka akan menjual dengan harga tinggi karena ukuran harga tepung dilihat dari penampakan dan kadar abu pada tepung. Namun dengan Sodium Metabisulphite bisa menggantikan posisi bahan berbahaya tersebut, karena bahan itu food grade dan dianjurkan pemerintah. Jadi berhati - hatilah memilih tepung untuk bahan olahan anda.
"From the result our travelling to the flour factory, we met a lot of valuable experience such as flour which so white looking can be ensured when processing use hydrogen peroxide, tawas, kaporit or textile bleaching. For the most home industry, they not see quality and they think only profit with low production cost. If flour white looking, they will sold with high price because measure of flour price known from looking and ash content in flour. But, with sodium metabisulphite could replace harmful material because it is food grade and recommended by government. So be careful choose flour as your cooking ingredient."
BACA JUGA : Pemutihan dan Penghilangan Bau Apek Tepung (Terigu, Tapioka, Gandum, Beras)
"From the result our travelling to the flour factory, we met a lot of valuable experience such as flour which so white looking can be ensured when processing use hydrogen peroxide, tawas, kaporit or textile bleaching. For the most home industry, they not see quality and they think only profit with low production cost. If flour white looking, they will sold with high price because measure of flour price known from looking and ash content in flour. But, with sodium metabisulphite could replace harmful material because it is food grade and recommended by government. So be careful choose flour as your cooking ingredient."
BACA JUGA : Pemutihan dan Penghilangan Bau Apek Tepung (Terigu, Tapioka, Gandum, Beras)
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Sumber Gambar : www.republika.co.id |
- Kerupuk / Cracker
Kerupuk yang sering kita temui di pasar lokal atau warung pinggir jalan perlu mendapat sorotan tajam, karena dari pengalaman kami investigasi didapatkan bahwa mereka menggunakan tepung yang sangat jelek, murah dan akan dijadikan kerupuk dengan kualitas yang bagus. Mereka tidak kehilangan akal yaitu menggunakan bahan pemutih berbahaya untuk membuat kerupuk produksinya keliatan cerah.
"Cracker which often we meet in the local market or roadside stall need get sharp attention, because from our experience investigation that they use bad quality flour, cheap and will be used good quality cracker. They did not lose sense that using harmful bleaching to make cracker the result production be bright looking."
"Cracker which often we meet in the local market or roadside stall need get sharp attention, because from our experience investigation that they use bad quality flour, cheap and will be used good quality cracker. They did not lose sense that using harmful bleaching to make cracker the result production be bright looking."
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Sumber Gambar : votemenot.com |
Semua foto - foto diatas hanya ilustrasi dan tidak kami maksudkan menyudutkan salah satu pihak produsen maupun distributor. Kami hanya berbagi pengalaman selama investigasi lapangan dan mengajak masyarakat berbudaya hidup sehat. Jadi pandai - pandailah memilih bahan konsumsi makanan anda karena kesehatan anda adalah investasi terbesar di hidup.
Tambahan terpenting yaitu semua bahan berbahaya tersebut bisa digantikan oleh Sodium Metabisulphite karena bahan ini food grade bisa untuk pengolahan makanan.
"Note :
All pictures above only an illustration and we do not mean to corner one of the producers or distributors. We only share experience during filed investigation and invite people to healthy live culture. So be smart choose your consume material because your health is the biggest live investment.
Important note is all of harmful ingredient can be replaced by sodium metabisulphite because this ingredient food grade able to food processing."
Referensi : Pengalaman pribadi investigasi di lapangan untuk mengenalkan produk kimia food grade
1. Zat Additive Makanan
2. Proses Pembuatan Gula Tebu Kristal
3. Pemutihan Gula Kelapa Merah BS / Reject / Rekondisi
"Note :
All pictures above only an illustration and we do not mean to corner one of the producers or distributors. We only share experience during filed investigation and invite people to healthy live culture. So be smart choose your consume material because your health is the biggest live investment.
Important note is all of harmful ingredient can be replaced by sodium metabisulphite because this ingredient food grade able to food processing."
Referensi : Pengalaman pribadi investigasi di lapangan untuk mengenalkan produk kimia food grade
1. Zat Additive Makanan
2. Proses Pembuatan Gula Tebu Kristal
3. Pemutihan Gula Kelapa Merah BS / Reject / Rekondisi
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