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Kerja Praktek PT.Ch*nd*a A*ri Petr*chem*cal Tbk

Kerja praktek saya di PT.Ch*nd*a A*ri Petr*chem*cal Tbk (PT. CAP) menuai banyak pengalaman berharga, sehingga saya bisa membandingkan ilmu yang saya dapat di kuliah dengan kenyataan yang ada di lapangan.  PT. CAP bergerak dibidang pengolahan turunan minyak bumi menjadi polimer plastik. Pabrik ini beroperasi dengan kapasitas yang besar 600.000 ton/tahun dan harus mensuplai industri2 hilir di Indonesia.  PT. CAP ini merupakan gabungan dari 2 perusahaan yaitu PT.Ch*nd*a A*ri Petr*chem*cal Tbk mengolah ethylene dan PT.Tryp*lita mengolah propylene. Karena ingin menunjang semboyan menuju world class company akhirnya kedua perusahaan merger. Pabrik ini menjadi satu2nya di Indonesia yang mengolah turunan minyak bumi menjadi polimer plastik.

"My internship in PT.Ch*nd*a A*ri Petr*chem*cal Tbk (PT. CAP) get a lot of valuable experience, so that I can compare knowledge in my study in campus with reality in the line or industries.  PT. CAP is moving sector in processing plastic polymer from derivative of petroleum. This plant has operation with large capacity about 600.000 tons/years and must the supply downstream industries in Indonesia.  PT. CAP is merger of 2 companies such as PT. Chandra Asri has process ethylene and PT.Trypolita has process prophylene. Because both compabies same purpose want to support slogan "world class company" finally, both companies merger. This company is one in Indonesia industries which processing derivative petroleum become plastic polymer."

Pada pengolahannya terdapat 2 proses polimer yaitu polimer kondensasi (reaksi disertai pembentukan H2O) dan polimer addisi (reaksi disertai pemutusan ikatan rangkap). Ada 3 macam produk yang dihasilkan yaitu LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene), LLDPE (Low Linear Density Poly Ethylene) dan HDPE (High Density  Poly Ethylene), yang membedakan dari semuanya adalah densitasnya yang mempengaruhi terhadap rantainya.

"In the processing there are 2 processes polymer such as condensation polymer (reaction and accompanied formation H2O) and addition polymer (reaction and accompanied breaking of bonds). There are 3 kinds product produced by this plant such as LDPE (Low Density Poly Ethylene), LLDPE (Low Linear  Density Poly Ethylene) dan HDPE (High Density  Poly Ethylene), differences of all this is density, which it is affects to the molecule chain."

Kebetulan saya ditempatkan di seksi LLDPE plant. Disini saya belajar tentang proses produksi dan kontrol proses. Tiap hari bersama engineer lapangan dijelaskan ke plant mengenai fungsi alat dan cara kerjanya. Selama 1 bulan banyak pengetahuan saya dapatkan, karena saya bisa membandingkan antara ilmu yang saya dapatkan di kuliah dengan kenyataan yang ada di lapangan. Saya diberi tugas menganalisa kinerja dari compressor dan cooler. Dari hasil analisa dan perhitungan bahwa kinerja kedua alat telah berkurang, dan saya simpulkan ada hal-hal yang membuat bisa begitu, salah satunya ada seal valve ada yang rusak utk compressor dan adanya kerak pada shell and tube cooler. LLDPE adalah salah satu hasil produk dari pabrik ini, dimana itu merupakan polimer termoplastik dan banyak digunakan dalam industri hilir seperti industri botol kemasan, tas plastik, tekstil, pupuk dll.
Polimer dibagi menjadi 2 berdasarkan sifatnya thd panas yaitu :
  • Polimer Termosetting (bahan yang dipanaskan meleleh dan mengeras tapi tidak bisa kembali ke bentuk semula, ini karena adanya ikatan silang antar molekul penyusunnya)
  • Polimer Termoplastik (bahan yang dipanaskan meleleh dan mengeras jika didinginkan tapi bisa kembali lagi ke bentuk semula, ini karena adanya ikatan lurus atau bercabang dengan gaya antar molekul yg lemah)
"Incidentally, I was placed in LLDPE plant section. Here I was learned about the production process and process control. Every day with line engineer, I was explained to the plant how working of instruments and instruments function. During first month I got a lot of knowledge, because I can compare between knowledge in college with reality on the line industries. I was given assignment to analyze performance of compressor and cooler. From my analyze and calculation, I could conclusion that both instruments has been reduced performance and I took conclusion that one of them for compressor seal valve is broken and for cooler there is sediment in the shell and tube. LLDPE is one of several product of this plant, which it is thermoplastic polymer and many used in downstream industries such as bottle, plastic bag, textile, fertilizer etc.
Polymer is divided into 2 part that based on thermal properties such as :
  • Thermosetting polymer (material is heated so that melt and harden if cooled but can't return to the original shape, because there is crosslinking between constituent molecules)
  • Thermoplastic polymer ( material is heated so that melt and harden if cooled but can return to the original shape, because there is linear bond or branch with weak force between intermolecules)."

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