Reaktor terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
- Reaktor kimia, tidak ada perubahan massa selama reaksi dan hanya berubah dari satu bahan ke bahan lain.
- Reaktor nuklir, ada perubahan massa yang berubah jadi energi yang sangat besar.
"The reactor is divided into 2 are
- Chemical reactor, there is no change mass during reaction and only change from first material to other.
- Nuclear reactor, there are mass change into enormous energy"
Reaktor kimia berdasarkan prosesnya ada 3
yaitu :
- Reaktor Batch, tidak ada massa masuk dan keluar selama reaksi. Jadi bahan dimasukkan, direaksikan beberapa waktu / hari (residence time) dan dikeluarkan sebagai produk dan selama proses tidak ada umpan-produk mengalir. Contoh : fermentasi pembuatan alkohol.
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Batch Reactor |
Umumnya digunakan :
- Fase cair
- Skala proses yang kecil
- Mencoba proses baru yang belum sepenuhnya dikembangkan
- Memproduksi produk yang mahal
- Proses-proses yang sulit diubah menjadi proses kontinyu
- Jika bahan atau hasilnya perlu pembersihan
- Proses memerlukan waktu lama
"Chemical reactor is based on
process there are 3 such as :
- Batch reactor, there is no mass in and out materials during reaction. So materials are entered, reacted in several periods / days (residence time) and out as product and during reaction, there is no feed-product flow. Example : manufacturing of alcoholic fermentation."
Commonly used :
- Liquid phase
- Small scale processes
- Try new process does not fully developed
- Producing expensive product
- Process which difficult to change in continuous process
- If the material or result need cleaning
- The process takes a long time"
Keuntungannya :
- Lebih murah
- Lebih mudah pengoperasian dan pengontrolan (penambahan bahan per volume)
Kerugiannya :
- Pengendalian suhu bermasalah
- Lebih banyak pekerja, karena diperlukan utk pengawasan kondisi & prosedur yg berubah terus dari awal sampai akhir
- Tidak baik utk fase gas, karena rentan bocor pada masukan pengaduknya
- Tidak efektif utk skala besar karena waktu yang lama (tidak produktif)
"Advantages :
- Cheaper
- Easier operation and controlling (addition material per volume)
Disadvantages :
- Have problem in controlling temperature
- Many labour, because need to monitoring fluctuative of condition and procedure from start until finish.
- No good for gas phase, because easy leaking at input mixer
- Uneffective to large scale because have a long time (unproductive)"
2. Reaktor Kontinyu, proses umpan dan produk
mengalir secara terus-menerus.
Keuntungannya :
- Alat lebih kecil dan murah
- Bahan yg diolah lebih sedikit shg resiko kerusakan bahan lebih kecil
- Kondisi operasi lebih seragam
- Produk seragam
- Pengurangan biaya per satuan produksi, karena proses dalam kapasitas kecil2
- Biaya operasi & investasi rendah
- Pengendalian kondisi operasi yang mudah
"2. Continuous reactor, process of
feed and product flows continuously. Advantages
- Instrument smaller and cheaper
- The material is treated less so risk to damage of material become smaller
- More uniform operating condition
- Uniform product
- Cost reduction per unit production, because process in small capacity
- Low operation cost and investment
- Easy of control operating condition"
Ada 2 reaktor kontinyu :
- Mixed Flow Reactor (MFR), reaktor tangki berpengaduk dimana umpan masuk, diproses beberapa waktu (residence time) lalu produk keluar. Biasanya reaktor jenis ini disusun paralel sehingga mempunyai kapasitas yang besar dan efisien waktu.
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Keuntungannya :
- Suhu & campuran dalam reaktor sama (homogen) karena pengadukan
- Pengontrolan suhu mudah sehingga kondisi operasi yang isotermal bisa terpenuhi
Kerugiannya :
- Untuk volume yg sama konversi lebih rendah daripada PFR
- Tidak baik utk fase gas karena rentan bocor
"There are 2 continuous reactors
such as :
- MFR, continuous stirred tank reactor which feed input, processed several time (residence time) and output as product. Usually this reactor is arranged parallel so have large capacity and time efficient.
Advantages :
- Temperature and mixture in the reactor is homogeneous because mixing
- Easy of control temperature so that ishotermal operating condition can be completed
Disadvantages :
- For same volume have lower conversion than PFR
- No good for gas phase due to easy leaking"
- Plug Flow Reactor (PFR), reaktor alir pipa, dimana umpan masuk pada masukan pipa, terjadi reaksi sepanjang pipa lalu keluar. Konversi semakin lama semakin tinggi di sepanjang pipa. Contoh petrokimia, pertamina
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Umumnya digunakan :
- Fase gas dengan tekanan dan suhu tinggi
Keuntungannya :
- Konversi yg cukup tinggi dibanding MFR
- Waktu yg relatif lebih singkat
Kerugiannya :
- Perawatan yang mahal
- Memerlukan waktu utk kondisi steady state
"PFR, pipe flow reactor where feed
input in entry pipe and occur reaction along pipeline then output as product.
Conversion longer will higher along pipeline. Examples petrochemical, pertamina Commonly is used : gas phase with high pressure and temperature Advantages
- Higher conversion than MFR
- Shorter time than MFR
Disadvantages :
- The treatment is expensive
- Requires time for steady state condition"
3. Reaktor Semi - Batch
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- Packed Bed Reactor (PBR) atau Fixed Bed Reactor
- Terdri dari satu atau lebih tubes packed dengan partikel katalis, beroperasi pada posisi vertikal
- Beroperasi adiabatis
- Biaya operasi dan perawatan murah dibanding FBR
- Bisa digunakan di suhu dan tekanan tinggi
- Bisa dioperasikan dengan waktu tinggal yang bervariasi
- Sulit dalam penjagaan distribusi aliran yg seragam
- Bed yg kecil lebih efektif karena internal area yang besar tapi pressure drop tinggi
- Regenerasi bed sulit dilakukan karena cenderung permanen
- Operates adiabatic Advantages :
- Operating and maintenance cost are cheaper than FBR
- Can be used in high pressure and temperature
- Can be operated with varying residence time
- Difficult treatment uniform flow distribution
- Smaller bed more effective because large internal area but high pressure drop
- Regeneration of bed is difficult done because it is tend permanent"
- Reaktor dg bed terangkat oleh gas reaktan
- Fungsi utk memprediksikan penurunan konversi pada pencampuran di dalam reaktor
- Jumlah bed lebih sedikit daripada PBR
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- Beroperasi isotermal
Keuntungannya :
- Suhu konstan shg mudah dikontrol
- Regenerasi bed yg mudah
- Reaksinya memiliki efek panas yang tinggi
- Bisa menyebabkan keausan dinding reaktor karena gerakan bed yg terus-menerus bergesekan dg dinding
- Karena bergerak terus-menerus dan antar bed bergesekan, bisa menyebabkan partikel bed mengecil dan terikut keluar sbg produk. Sehingga perlu ditambahkan cyclone separator.
- Reactor with bed is lifted by reactant gas
- Function to predict reduction of conversion mixing in the reactor
- Number of bed less than PBR
- Surface area is larger than PBR
- Operates is isothermal Advantages :
- Constant temperature so easy to control
- Regeneration of bed is an easier
- Reaction have hight thermal effect
- Can reason reduce of reactor wall because continue bed movement rubbing to the wall
- Due to continuous movement and between bed rubbing, can cause bed particle decrease and be streamed out as product. So need to be added cyclone separator"
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Spray Tower |
4. Packed Column
5. Bubble Tank
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Packed Column |
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Bubble Tank |
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Agitated Tank |
Kutip Artikel ini sebagai Referensi (Citation):
Feriyanto, Y.E. (2012). Macam-Macam Reaktor (Reactor), Best Practice Experience in Power Plant. Surabaya
Feriyanto, Y.E. (2012). Best Practice Experience in Power Plant. Surabaya
1. Pemilihan Desain Efektif Reaktor
2. Perhitungan Plug Flow Reaktor (PFR)
3. Perhitungan Mixed Flow Reaktor (MFR)
1. Pemilihan Desain Efektif Reaktor
2. Perhitungan Plug Flow Reaktor (PFR)
3. Perhitungan Mixed Flow Reaktor (MFR)
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