Flashback dulu, pada zaman
saya kecil dulu, nenek saya dikampung selalu membuat minyak goreng sendiri dari
kelapa. Kelapa dikuliti (jawa = DISUMBAT) kemudian DICUKIL sehingga yang ada
hanya dagingnya kemudian dijemur sampai benar - benar kering (disebut KOPRA),
kemudian diparut dan diremas seperti membuat santan sehingga menghasilkan
minyak dan ampas (disebut BLONDO). Waktu zaman saya kecil, rambutku selalu
diminyaki sama nenek dari minyak tersebut yang ditambah dengan daun mangkokan.
Daun mangkokan diiris tipis - tipis kemudian dikeringkan sesudah itu dicampur
dengan minyak kelapa tadi untuk minyak rambut yang harum baunya.
"Years ago, since I was still child, my grandmother in the village always made alone frying oil from coconut. Coconut was opened then broke so that knew fruit meat then dried until perfect dry, then scraped and squeezed like peoples made milk coconut so that produce oil and residue. When I was still child, my hair always gave hair oil from that coconut oil by my grandmother which added with "mangkokan leaves". This leaves was thin sliced then dried and after that mixed with coconut oil for hair oil that smell fragrant."
"Years ago, since I was still child, my grandmother in the village always made alone frying oil from coconut. Coconut was opened then broke so that knew fruit meat then dried until perfect dry, then scraped and squeezed like peoples made milk coconut so that produce oil and residue. When I was still child, my hair always gave hair oil from that coconut oil by my grandmother which added with "mangkokan leaves". This leaves was thin sliced then dried and after that mixed with coconut oil for hair oil that smell fragrant."
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Disumbat Sumber gambar : http://pertanian.merdeka.com |
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Dicukil Sumber gambar: http://www.antarafoto.com |
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Kopra Sumber gambar : http://www.radioaustralia.net.au |
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Blondo Sumber gambar : http://ricki-subagja.blogspot.com |
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Daun Mangkokan Sumber gambar : http://egafarm.blogspot.com |
BACA JUGA : Proses Pengolahan Batu Kapur / Gamping
Untuk minyak goreng dari kelapa sawit, ada 9 proses tahapan yaitu :
Untuk minyak goreng dari kelapa sawit, ada 9 proses tahapan yaitu :
- Sterilization
Adalah pemanasan menggunakan Sterilizer berupa uap panas yang bertujuan agar biji sawit lepas dari tandan, mematikan bakteri dan enzim lipolitik (tujuan agar kadar asam lemak bebasnya lebih stabil) serta mengurangi kadar air biji sawit
"Is the heating using sterilizer like hot vapor which have purposes such as palm seeds separated from bunches, killing bacteria and lipolytic enzymes (purpose to stabilize free fatty acid content) and reduce water content of palm seeds."
"Is the heating using sterilizer like hot vapor which have purposes such as palm seeds separated from bunches, killing bacteria and lipolytic enzymes (purpose to stabilize free fatty acid content) and reduce water content of palm seeds."
- Sorting / Thressing
Adalah pemilahan tandan dan biji oleh alat Thresser, biji dipisahkan dari tandannya untuk diproses ke tahap berikutnya. Cara kerjanya adalah membanting tandan dari atas dan bawah shg biji rontok dari tandannya
"Is the sorting between bunches and seeds by thresser, seeds is separated from bunches to processed to the next step. The working principle is throw bunches from up to down so that seed fall out from stem."
"Is the sorting between bunches and seeds by thresser, seeds is separated from bunches to processed to the next step. The working principle is throw bunches from up to down so that seed fall out from stem."
- Digesting & Pressing
Adalah proses penghancuran biji buah agar pecah dan dilakukan pengepresan sehingga didapatkan minyak mentah (Crude Palm Oil / CPO). Ada 2 jenis minyak mentah yaitu didapatkan dari biji sawit (Palm Kernel Oil) dan daging buah / sepet (Palm Fruit Oil). CPO berwarna merah orange karena mengandung beta karoten (pro-vitamin A)
"Is the process destruction of fruit seed so break and done pressing so that obtained crude palm oil. There are 2 kinds of crude palm oil such as from palm seeds (palm kernel oil) and fruit meat (palm fruit oil). Crude palm oil has red orange color because it is contain beta carotene (pro-vitamin A)."
"Is the process destruction of fruit seed so break and done pressing so that obtained crude palm oil. There are 2 kinds of crude palm oil such as from palm seeds (palm kernel oil) and fruit meat (palm fruit oil). Crude palm oil has red orange color because it is contain beta carotene (pro-vitamin A)."
Sumber gambar : http://www.oil-press-machine.com
- Purification
Adalah proses pembersihan CPO dari pengotor padatan seperti serabut, lumpur, pasir, air dll sehingga yang masuk ke pengolahan selanjutnya adalah Purified CPO. Kandungan kimia CPO adalah ± 95 % Trigliserida dan sisanya Asam Lemak Bebas (Free Fatty Acid / FFA), Carotenoid (vitamin A), Phospolipid (Getah), Tocopherols (Vitamin E) dll
"Is the cleaning process CPO from solid impurities such as palm fibers, mud, sand, water etc so that enter the next processing is purified CPO. Chemical contents is ± 95 % tryglyseride and residue likes free fatty acid, carotenoid (vitamin A), phospholipid (gum), tocopherols (vitamin E) etc."
"Is the cleaning process CPO from solid impurities such as palm fibers, mud, sand, water etc so that enter the next processing is purified CPO. Chemical contents is ± 95 % tryglyseride and residue likes free fatty acid, carotenoid (vitamin A), phospholipid (gum), tocopherols (vitamin E) etc."
- Degumming
Adalah penghilangan getah / lendir yang masih terikut CPO
"Is the removing of gum / mucus that entrained CPO."
"Is the removing of gum / mucus that entrained CPO."
- Netralisasi
Adalah proses menghilangkan asam lemak bebas (Free fatty Acid / FFA) karena dapat menimbulkan bau dan tengik. Cara yang biasa dipakai adalah reaksi penyabunan (Saponifikasi) dengan Soda Caustic (NaOH) sebagai berikut :
R--COOH (FFA) + NaOH (Soda Caustic)---> R--COONa + H2O
Sabun yang dihasilkan dipisahkan dengan cara sedimentasi
"Is the process removing free fatty acid because it can cause bad smell and rancid. The commmon method used is saponification with caustic soda. Soap produced separated with sedimentation."
"Is the process removing free fatty acid because it can cause bad smell and rancid. The commmon method used is saponification with caustic soda. Soap produced separated with sedimentation."
- Bleaching
Adalah pemucatan / penghilangan warna dari minyak sehingga didapatkan warna minyak yang kuning jernih. Pemakaian yang umum adalah adsorben dari activated carbon dan bleaching earth
"Is the bleaching / decoloration from palm oil so that obtained clear yellow palm oil. The common use is adsorbent from activated carbon and bleaching earth."
"Is the bleaching / decoloration from palm oil so that obtained clear yellow palm oil. The common use is adsorbent from activated carbon and bleaching earth."
- Deodorizing
Adalah tahap penghilangan bau tidak enak dari minyak yaitu dengan cara pemberian uap pada tekanan atmosfer atau keadaan vakum.
"Is step removing bad smell from palm oil with the principle give steam in atmosferic pressure or vacuum condition."
"Is step removing bad smell from palm oil with the principle give steam in atmosferic pressure or vacuum condition."
- Refining
Adalah proses pemisahan minyak, fraksi yang berbentuk padatan disebut Stearin (Asam Stearat) dan yang berbetuk cair disebut Olein (Asam Oleat / Omega 9). Sering kita menemui minyak goreng 2x penyaringan, ini maksudnya adalah penyaringan antara fraksi padatan dan cairan, padatan dipisahkan sehingga yang tertinggal hanya cairnya saja dan hasil 2x penyaringan ini tidak menggumpal walaupun disimpan di freezer. Fraksi padatan hasil pemisahan (Stearin) dikemas dalam bentuk margarin.
"Is the process separation palm oil, solid fraction is stearin (stearic acid) and liquid fraction is olein (oleic acid / omega 9). Often we meet frying oil 2x filtration, this means filtration between solid and liquid, solid is separated so that only liquid fraction and the result 2x filtration does not agglomerate although stored in the freezer. Solid fraction the result separation packaged in the form of margarine."
"Is the process separation palm oil, solid fraction is stearin (stearic acid) and liquid fraction is olein (oleic acid / omega 9). Often we meet frying oil 2x filtration, this means filtration between solid and liquid, solid is separated so that only liquid fraction and the result 2x filtration does not agglomerate although stored in the freezer. Solid fraction the result separation packaged in the form of margarine."
Sumber gambar : http://www.icdx.co.id
Sumber gambar : http://dinisa17.wordpress.com
Sumber gambar : http://www.mongabay.co.id
Referensi :
[1] http://www.golco.co.id/resource/#jenisMG
[2] http://americanpalmoil.com/publications/process%20of%20PO%20&%20PKO.pdf
[3] http://www.oilmachineworld.com/5th-crude-palm-oil-project.html
[4] http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/y4355e/y4355e06.html
1. Proses Pembuatan Gula Tebu Kristal
2. Pra Desain Pabrik Sodium Trypolyphospate (STPP)
3. Macam - Macam Alat Pemecah (Crusher / Mill)
1. Proses Pembuatan Gula Tebu Kristal
2. Pra Desain Pabrik Sodium Trypolyphospate (STPP)
3. Macam - Macam Alat Pemecah (Crusher / Mill)
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