Pemendekan kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris ini juga diterapkan di Bahasa Indonesia, misalnya :
* Ketika saya sedang menonton TV, saya tertidur ------> Ketika sedang menonton TV, saya tertidur
(Penghilangan subjek "saya")
Dalam grammar Inggris seperti berikut ini :
* Penghilangan salah satu "Subjek + To be " selama pelaku subjek adalah sama
Contoh : - While I was watching TV, I fell asleep ------> (While) watching TV, I fell asleep
(penghilangan subjek + To be "I was")
- While I was walking down the street, I came across a very strange guy -----> (While) walking down the street, I came across a very strange guy
- Before I go to school in the morning, I usually take a shower -----> Before going to school in the morning, I usually take a shower
- Because he wanted more money, he accepted the over -----> Wanting more money, he accepted the over (because dihilangkan)
* Jika tidak ada "TO BE", hilangkan subjek dan ganti kata kerja dg "V - Ing"
Contoh : - After I signed the report, I gave it to the manager -----> After signing the report, I gave it to the manager
- After they found a hotel, they looked for a restaurant ----> Having found a hotel, they looked for a restaurant
* Jika subjek beda antara 2 kalimat, maka tidak boleh dihilangkan
Contoh : - While the teacher was speaking, I feel asleep -----> tulisan tetap
Mr. X was the first man who broke the long chain of unfortunate events.
(kata dicetak miring tebal dapat diganti dg "TO + V1"-----> "To Broke")